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Cirqua Apartments (0)

매체명 건축세계
매체사 (주)건축세계
출간일 2018-03-06
구매방법 무료
가격 0 원

The Cirqua project represents a shift in the multi-residential market that has been evolving over the past 2-4years. Where previously apartments were largely aimed at the investment market, or those who could not afford to buy a house, the majority of Cirqua’s tenants comprise owner-occupiers. This shift is typified in the design approach of Cirqua, which has larger apartments, great diversity of type(38 out of 42 apartments are unique), large balconies and generous landscaping. The amenity of the dwellings, the quality of build, sustainability and a strong ‘sense of place’ are the key drivers of this project. The dwelling units are conceived of as ‘homes’ rather than ‘product’. Situated on a steeply sloping site, the project involved the consolidation of two neighbouring properties into a single block.

  K매거진 주관사업자 : (사)한국잡지협회 | 2022년 K매거진 위탁운영사 : (주)케이비시스는 결제정보 중개서비스 또는 통신판매 중개시스템의 제공자로써 잡지, 기사, 이미지 저작권, 지적재산권 당사자가 아니며, 저작권,지적재산권등과 관련한 의무와 책임은 잡지, 기사, 이미지 등 콘텐츠 업로드 판매자에게 있습니다.
  또한, 판매자와 구매자간의 저작권, 재산권에는 주관사업자와 위탁운영사는 관여하지 않기 때문에 책임지지 않습니다.

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